Monday, May 05, 2008

forgive me as He forgave you

well hello everyone.

i live in a continuous state of blog-reluctancy.
this is due to my abhorrence of anonymous internet arguments. i learned long ago that to do so is to waste time.
still, i savour the art of writing, and enjoy my amateurish share.
therefore, i hope to continue my ramblings, despite the disagreements they may stir up.

i'm sorry to those anonymous readers who think that i will never understand.
perhaps i won't. i'd like to, and that is why i'm searching through the Scriptures. i need your forgiveness again and again for any falsity that i publish here. most of my blogs are simply a stumbling attempt to step closer to the truth, and to be honest-- i now disagree with many blogs i wrote previously. please be patient.

but above all-- i never want to dishonour the name of God. i hope you understand that i view God as quite the opposite of a "being of absolute evil."
there are many things i don't know about the character of the Lord, but if there is one thing i do know it is that He is good. if i implied in my last post that God was anything but perfect, please erase that thought from your mind.

perhaps i didn't express my true thoughts accurately. this is the danger of the written word.
i wish you were here so we could speak.

make no mistake:
God is compassionate. gracious. full of love. patient with us. slow to get angry. merciful. pure. holy.
and in His love for me, He saved me.
the only answer i can give as to "why" He saved me is that He is merciful. it certainly isn't anything that i did to deserve His kindness. it's not about what i do, but it's about Who He is.

my thoughts on the justice of God, on the existence of hell, on predestination, and on my depravity do not lead me to conclude anything negative--only that He is merciful. He does not give me what i do deserve, and He does give me what i don't deserve. phew.

if i thought that everyone deserved salvation, then i would get angry with God for creating those who aren't ever going to be saved. but i don't. i find only gratitude for His grace in saving any of us.


jsi said...

The grace of God - deep, thorough, full, complete, undeserved, prevenient. I would be lost without His grace.

Give yourself a break and know that for many of us who think their thoughts outside of their brains - speaking them into meaning to analzye, turn them over and over to check them out - find that frequently we have communicated something unintended.

The most magnificent and humbling aspect about the character of God is that we are unable to ABSOLUTELY 100% KNOW HIM. Since God is God, He is beyond our full comprehension.

God's grace is a subject which has its theological depth and caused a great number of theological arguments. But there are some subjects which can be seen without dispute: we have done nothing to deserve the grace of God and He gives it without retribution or renumeration and he gives it lavishly.

I consider that in the terms of predestination, God predestined salvation to be available to everyone who was convicted to repent, turn from sin (salvation)and turn towards holiness (sanctification). The predestination encompasses the concept that salvation is complete, full and valuable: the gift God chose ahead - predestined - intended to be available to everyone who would turn to Him. It is not exclusively provided for an elite or more valuable number of people.

God's grace is not something I can complain about.

God gives it, and I am lost without it.

I am praying for you in your ministry today, as you walk with The Master hand in hand.

lux said...

G'day mate,
I love reading your blogs, they always get me thinking more deeply on what i believe, and challenge me.
They also remind me of the chats we had while i was over there.
love you mate,
God bless you abundantly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification.
No need to apologize.
Complex issues -- seldom either/or. Definitely bigger than we are.
Thanks too for the discussion.


jeff said...

we seek the way we seek. let the words flow as they flow. Many must be said to get to the bottom of It. All seekers will find.

You are a delight Liv. let the anonymous come and let them go. And as you find the truth of the scripture, find the truth of you along the way.

What fresh air comes from our children these days. Parents never had it so good.

jeff said...

wanting you to blog more Liv!

And have a great summer.