Thursday, April 08, 2010

take that, Death.

Could so much of Heaven step through such wreck and chaos of earth, and not declare its reality?

Could spotless Purity pass so near Uncleanness, and fail to put it to shame?

Could Love so strong meet Spite so cruel, and not reprove it?

Could Light from on high touch Darkness so deep, and not reveal it?

Would it be possible for Truth to stand face to face with Lie, and not condemn it?

Their persecutors cried: "The Christians to the lions!"-- and lived to prove Death cannot destroy Christianity.

General Evangeline Booth

Post Resurrection Sunday (also known as Easter)

The whole concept of God dying is still so shocking to me... I'm barely recovered from Advent season and thinking about the incarnation!
That God became man, I cannot understand. I will never fully grasp the depth to which Jesus was plunging when He put on a body. It wasn't a little task, it was more dramatic than crossing dimensions.
The One who created life itself actually experienced losing His own... this is an even greater dive, and my mind is barely able to contain the thought.

Of COURSE He rose from the dead! As if all the powers of hell could keep God down?

Regarding the Evangeline quote:

Jesus, the embodiment of Love, Life, Purity, Truth, etc, entered earth, and even the grave.
Jesus may have left with scars on His hands and feet,
but you should see the other guy.
Death has been murdered by one encounter with the Light of the world.
And nothing will ever be the same again.

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