Saturday, December 09, 2006

I renounce and hate materialism in my life
Just to be able to eat more than once a day is more than enough, and a blessing.
Matt 6: 31

I renounce and hate the opinion that to just work in a worldly un-mission focused environment and just sponsor a child is enough
People are dying everywhere and I am privileged enough to have a voice to protest and money to fund this.
Matt 25:25

I renounce and hate self indulgent entertainment that in my privileged position I have been able to have.
Entertainment is not a right, or an option to waste money and time on. When thousands are crying for help I can not and must not be found using the money thatcould save these peoples life's on a pointless trip to a theme park or buying the latest movie.
Matt 25:45-46

I am at war, we are at war! I believe that if I don't pull rank and start fighting I am guilty of a great sin seeing a problem, being able to fix it and not doing anything. this opinion is not open for dispute with anything less than the word of God itself.
Romans 2:5b-14

-- taken from peter footers blog

i might add
If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
(1 John 3:17)
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.
(Proverbs 21:13)


Anonymous said...


So do we still own anything? other than the clothes on our backs? Do we still own a computer, own a cd player, own a suitcase? Why are we yet to sell everything to the poor and live simply for Christ? We speak about it but why are we yet to do it? What are we waiting for?

I struggle with this. Where is the balance? What happens when burn out seems close? Does that mean you are not close enough to Jesus, or maybe you just need some time. What is it? Is it ever going to be okay to walk away? To not be guilty of not being hardcore enough? Or not really giving everything? Is there many parts to the body? or is the hand the only real part and the rest is just whimpy?

Can you email me? Please?
love J

olivia. said...

i might email you, if i knew who J was....

Anonymous said...


Denise said...

Jacynta, silly! ;)

Anonymous said...

What's with the feet picture?

Anonymous said...

Denise is spot on, its jacynta.

Did you think i was one of those people who just chuck something out there and don't identify myself? Nope Nope!

Curious though who said jesus?

Can you email me babe, you blogged it for a reason, maybe your clarity might help me see, I don't know.

Love you
Love Jacynta

Anonymous said...

I said Jesus...

Nice feet, Olivia. You know 100 years ago you may have been stood down for displaying a picture of your feet.. ;-)

Either way, I wish I had feet like that.

Anonymous said...

Okay, what is with the foot fetish shaw! Come on now, lets step away from the whole foot thing! Please explain to me the whole foot fetish thing just cos myslef and I know at least one other person in the universe (ashley) cannot stand them, so whats up with loving the feet? Like seriously, anyone else concerned here? Xander? Concerned bro? Please don't tell me you like feet as well!

Hey shaw, guess whos coming to town? yep that would be me!

love J as in J for jacynta

Anonymous said...

I think it must be a dancer me, feet are just...well...things you walk on.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll be the one to hopp off the feet (so to speak).
Renouncing all that hinders, all that is self indulgent; renouncing all that the world says is good and accepting the will of God.
God bless you......... and your feet.