Friday, August 31, 2007

believe me

for those of you interested in my life-- i have just been diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia. but thanks to fabulous Canadian socialized health care, i got free antibiotics so i should be up and running shortly.

for those of you interested in my thoughts-- faith. it's all i can think about these days. i've had a few revelations:

firstly, we are saved by grace through faith. now, as one who preaches works more than grace, i regularly have to remind myself of this. we are not saved by our deeds, we are only saved by the grace of God. through our faith. but here's the kicker-- faith without works is dead.
if we truly have faith in the resurrection of Christ, if we truly have faith in the reality of an Almighty God, if we truly have faith in the judgement that is to come-- then our entire lives will be taken over by these beliefs.
it is impossible to believe in hell and not preach the gospel. it is impossible to believe that Jesus is Lord and not follow His commands. our beliefs determine our actions-- and if they don't, they aren't genuine beliefs. we are saved by grace through real faith.

now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). it is choosing to believe in what we cannot see. a wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign (Matthew 12:39, Matthew 16:3-5, Luke 11:29). i regularly hear of people asking for a sign from God before they believe-- "God, if You're out there, show Yourself to me." i often find that people don't do anything until they have some supernatural encounter that spurs them into faith-filled living. that's believing WITH seeing, but it's not faith.
faith is praying for a miracle even when you see no results. faith is believing in a Messiah Whom we have not met face to Face. faith is choosing to cling to Him, even in the dry seasons when He seems invisible, even if we're going to be killed for believing in Him.
faith is crazy. it's absolutely ridiculous to throw your life into this great movement without having proof that it's worth it. but i KNOW it is.

and lastly, faith is continuous. i am more certain then ever that it is possible to lose salvation, because of this-- faith only counts if we hold onto it until the end. it's possible to stray away from faith, to slowly let doubt creep in until you only believe what is clearly before you. i believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ. it's continued, and it's obedient. there's no other kind of faith.

pray for me, please. i have been attacked with doubt a few times in the past 2 years, but the more i learn about faith, the more set in it i become. i will NEVER leave Him, even if i cannot prove Him.
please also pray for my health. i've taken some time off of work, because the majority of guys in my shelter have HIV, and if they catch pneumonia, they could die. but i hate not being able to be out, so i'm believing for quick healing! hallelujah. thank you Lord for antibiotics.


jeff said...

it was good see you in your environment last weekend in Van. I was more blessed than I can say. Read my blog when you have time, the last couple of posts talk about my struggle with faith. A bit human, I admit. I will be praying for you. Please do the same for me.

Anonymous said...

I'm tracking with you here Olivia.



Unknown said...

Praying for your total and speedy healing. Thanking God for antibiotics too.

I am ravenous for greater faith -- then we shall see greater things, for which the world is in desperate need at this hour.

