Monday, September 03, 2007

check it out.

if you haven't yet, go to:

in our 24-7 prayer room here in Vancouver, for the past 3(?) years we have had a notebook called the "What are we hearing?" book. we've gone through quite a few, and it's a treasure to read through WAWH books from back in the day.
you see-- the War Room is a place where people regularly hear the voice of God. this book is a way of keeping track of what God is saying to us, and seeing how it aligns with what the rest of our Body is hearing.

and now, we're going digital (woo we're so with the times.)

one benefit of this is that all you people who don't have the blessing of joining us in the War Room, now can read what we are hearing, and receive from what we are receiving.

so read it. my guess is that it will be updated multiple times every day, since someone is always in the room praying, and the Lord is consistently speaking.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hey Olivia!
Wow - thanks for the link. I'll be sure to check in often.