Friday, October 19, 2007

happy birthday 2 darren hailes,dave laboss,melissa wight,dan white,jeremy strain,nate irvine,jessica bryant,janet munn

in cell this week we read Deuteronomy 11. good stuff.
part of the chapter was talking about "remember the miraculous deeds of the Lord," specifically His might in delivering His people from Egypt.

we were asked the question, "what miraculous deeds has the Lord done in your life?"

people were mentioning being delivered from addiction (that was the most recurring), fast recovery from injury, and the like.
as i tried to reflect on the most obviously Divine miracle in my life what i came to was--
the restoration of my relationship with my mother.

i briefly explained how we were broken apart for a few years, but how He has TOTALLY turned our hearts back towards each other, closer than ever before.
in my recollection, that's the most miraculous thing in my life.
what a miracle. He has always been good to us.

this will tie in later on.

after a kickin time of worship last night, a gang of us crammed into the van and got pizza. as we drove, we did "drive by blessings."
we'd roll down the windows and yell blessings or prayers or encouragement to passers by. we were ESPECIALLY cool because of our aviator "csm" sunglasses, and our trip hop music.

sounds quirky, but the Lord TOTALLY used it, even in a way visible to us.

first we saw a lady shivering and coughing under a blanket right outside of the Salvation Army Grace Mansion. Nicole was working there that night, and she was outside talking to her, trying to help her out.
so we pulled up, and got her to come into our car. her name is Joleen. we hooked her up with some chamomile tea, clean dry shoes and a scarf, and drove her to a newly discovered women's shelter.
as we sat in the (sauna) car, waiting for the shelter to open, we talked with her about her life.
she told us that she moved to BC with her mother.
i asked her if they were still close.
she said they used to be, but now they refuse to speak.
interesting timing, as i've been reflecting on the restoration in that area of my life. so we prayed for reconciliation, for healing, and for truth.
i pray that she experienced the love of Christ.

then we drove by some of Dan's teens at a party.
we're so proud of them-- because they were the only ones not drinking! :o) yay!
so we kidnapped 2 of them and took them to 7-11 to get slurpees.

what miraculous deeds has the Lord done in your life?

1 comment:

jsi said...

God blesses deep and wide. Thank you for being Christ to someone who needed warmth, concern, clothing, drink. Your testimony shines plainly, expressing real concern for real needs.

I am praying for the peace of Christ to be with you today. Embrace His peace and His direction and follwo His guidance.

Restoration is a divine miracle - never underestimate the power of a transformed circumstance.