Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"time alone with Jesus"

i could be off blogging for the next 10 days-- i'm going to Old Orchard Beach camp meetings to do prophetic prayer and evangelism at the pier.
there's going to be 5 generals there. hey-yo!
and there's going to be french fries and sunshine and boogie boards and ice cream and friends and pizza and waves and and sand and fried dough and stars and family. i'm stoked.

before i go, allow me to share what God's teaching me:

i'm learning to HIDE myself in Christ.
my good friend Beracah had a vision this morning, of Jesus on the floor. she was desiring to get up and prophecy and cry and preach-- but He was calling her to lay face down on the floor, where He was. she was thinking, "what about the people!?" but He was drawing her to Himself, before them.
He's recently been calling me away from trying to change the Downtown East side, and away from trying to revolutionize the Salvation Army, and away from trying to influence everyone in 614...He's calling me to His presence.
world salvation and Church awakening is still pressing heavy on my heart-- but for this season: i'm in training. He's leading me away from "the people" and to Himself.

like Moses and the burning bush (taken from one of Stephen and Danielle's teachings)-- it wasn't about Moses, it was about the people.
and it wasn't about Moses, it was about the Lord.
it's not about me-- it's about Him.
it's a temptation for me to even make ministry a selfish thing: i want to effect things, i want to change the world: but often my motivation is for my own glory, not for the Lord's glory, or the people's salvation.

thus, i'm hiding myself. i want to be invisible, i want to hide under His shadow, i want to lift HIM up, and i want do dwell in the SECRET place with Him. hidden in secrecy in His presence, not just talking about His presence in the sight of others. i want to have something so special and secret with Him, that no one else will be able to understand it. a private little world, alone with Christ.

i want to be alone with Him wherever i am, for the rest of my life. no one else.


Anonymous said...

Amen Olivia.

May I suggest you're being called to death?

Becoming hidden is actually the kingdom strategy, illustrated in the Kingdom Parables and in the life of Christ.



jeff said...

when i read this early this am. After a night of much prayer and concern for my brothers and sisters in Christ, having finally to give them all over to God, knowing that was all I could do, these words you've written vibrate at the very bottom of my soul.