Friday, February 26, 2010


Today is a thinking day.

It's one of those days when brand new concepts just keep
hitting me in the face.
Things I had never thought before.
It's cool... I guess... but it also makes me want to lay on the floor and look up in despair... praying, "GOD? Really? Can't You just explain it all to me?"

Here's a mini-glimpse into my roller-coaster mind:

Christians today are concerned for the state of the Church. Understandably so. We think that the Church has strayed so far from what it once was.
Christians are always talking about how, "The Church needs to wake up! We need a revival! Why can't we be more like the early Church? Where has our passion gone?"

It seems like we (almost) all agree on this.
So what's the holdup?
Is there some "secret trick" that we're all missing out on?
We sit in judgment of "the Church"-- and I wonder-- who are we blaming?

are we limiting ourselves by setting our goal at being just like the early Church?
Paul and those guys rocked, but I'm sure that God has something else planned for us now. Something even more amazing.
So I think I might stop looking at the early Church as the prototype for how we should be. I might start looking to the Holy Spirit, and see where He leads us NOW.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know that I love reading your blog. I probably won't ever comment but I love seeing your thoughts. Please keep writing.