Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I once asked a friend:

"If you knew that Jesus was going to return at midnight tonight,
how would you spend your day?"

he responded:

"I would go to work, and when i got home, I'd finish my college applications."

I was furious. I immediately disagreed:

"What a waste! That's a stupid way to spend the last day of the world! What I would do is go downtown, and preach like a crazy person on the street corner. I'd try to get as many people saved as i possibly could, no matter how wild i appeared. I'd call up all of my family and friends who aren't saved and tell them! That's the right answer... seriously, man... why would you waste your time going to work and applying for college?"

He said:

"Why do I go to work every day? And why am I working on my college applications? It's because I know that this is what God wants me to do. Olivia, if you would feel convicted to spend your last hours on earth preaching on the street corner, then maybe you should do that every day. Why treat today differently than your last day?"

I left troubled.

More thoughts on finding God's will--

One option is to live every day as if it were our last.
For me, that would mean lots of evangelism.
It would also mean that any temptation to sin would be immediately dismissed.

Should we live as though judgment was around the corner?
Or should we relax, and not be nutcases?

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