Friday, March 23, 2007

Ready And Willing Whatever.

cahrazey week at RAW-- "Ready And Willing" youth THING.

definitely not a conference (the Lord hates those, Amos 5:21-24).
also definitely not a retreat (did our Captain sound the call to retreat? are we being pushed back by the enemy? i think not! no retreating, hell defeating)

so i'm not quite sure what to call advance? an experience? training? Ready And Willing anti-conference?

whatever we call it, it was an important time:

these teens didn't gather together to spiritually please themselves, and leave feeling like an emotional mess. rather, they gave up their spring break, and came to the Downtown Eastside to serve the poor, and "dance upon injustice" (i'm still pretty sure that phrase is not in the Bible, but it's a catchy one anyway).

i praught (the teacher taught, the preacher praught-- ht, sargent xc) on Monday night-- probably the shortest, most disjointed sermon of all times. very silly.

but i console myself with this:
when Billy Graham was nearing the end of his first sermon, he felt like it wasn't long enough, so he started a second sermon. when that one was done, and he still didn't feel like it was long enough, so he started a third sermon. then he looked at the clock, and 5 minutes had passed. (ht, soldier spb)

that's pretty encouraging, eh?
mine was 11.5 minutes (who's counting?--ht, captain sec), and that was only one sermon, so guess i'm doing aiight.

the main point of this blog is this: i'm a better preacher than Billy Graham ;o)

in other news, my emotions are as fragile as a porcelain doll.
i reckon that this has something to do with the fact that i chilled on the floor for 3 nights, surrounded by 15 year old girls, rarely sleeping. this resulted in physical fatigue (and sore muscles), emotional fatigue (i love those girls so much it hurts), BUT--
no spiritual fatigue. nuh-uh. when we serve the Lord, it energizes us (ht, major db). pouring all my love, energy and time into 11 teenage girls doesn't make me feel depleted-- it builds me up. i feel pumped!

i think i cried half a dozen times on Wednesday. everything just seems like such a big deal when you're tired.

i remember, as a child, feeling deep sorrow over the injustices in my life (i.e. my mom making me brush my teeth, my dad making me turn off the tv and go play outside)-- they were SUCH big deals to me. i felt like the world was against me, and it caused me great angst.
i also recall my mother looking at me patronizingly, and saying, "you're just tired sweetie."
it was horrible to feel like my own mother could summarize all of my massive problems so succinctly. so debasing-- belittling all of my titanic predicaments.

but this is precisely what's going on in me, even 12 years later:
i feel like every little problem is a huge deal...but i'm probably just tired.
perhaps you shouldn't remind me of that. i could easily burst into tears.

teenagers. oh my dear.


Denise said...

teenagers. oh my dear. I agree.

Jacynta said...

Oh man! Crying! If I was there I would be hugging you, (probably to your opposition due to tiredness) and trying to love you and then telling you off and telling you to have some stinkin sleep crazy women!!!

Kudos on the teen girls!

Love J

Alberta Rockstar said...

not sleeping is fun! i support it!alberta was up till 330 almost everyday this week! bahahah! im a cool kid! remmeber that time wewere going to stay up all night at camp n u n bell fell asleep! i did too kinda in a corner on the floor lol. hmm i love u!

Unknown said...

okay Liv, I have to say it,

"Your just tired sweetie." : )


And I love you -- I laughed alot throughout your blog -- "the point of this blog is I'm a better preacher than Billy Graham" -- that totally got me.

Maybe I'm just tired : )

jsi said...

Not a retreat or conference - being used by God is entirely energizing! You are so right, amazingly right.
And to knwo that small things become big things simply because you are tired, you are wise and know yourself. How many people get to accually say that about themselves.
It is a prvilege to be a blessing and used by God within His Divine activity.
Taught and praught - you are a walking, talking Merriam Webster's.
Take a snooze and tomorrow will have less tears, and I can only say that from personal experience!

Anonymous said...

LOL...Olivia, you just made my kidney turn over (that is a good thing it is a result from much laughter)!

2 things came to mind....

If your mom gives "the look" and says, "You are just tired," you know you are in trouble. Me being bilingual, I can translate from Janetisms to the common vernacular. When she does and says the above mentioned, that means, "Get your behind to bed!" :)

Also, what a blessing you are to those teenage girls, as a youth pastor...I KNOW!!! The sore muscles and sleepless nights. These are the battle wounds and we will have some sore muscles when we do some major dancing when these kids come into fullness...

In the trenches with ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi Liv -
If I recall correctly, as a child you were always in denial about being tired. I remember several times when you would say to your mom, "I am not tired. I am only going to rest my eyelids." :) Do you remember that? I loved hearing that response. It was priceless!
Love You - Karen

The War College said...

I'd like to call it an advancC

Jacynta said...

You need to blog again!!!

You don't have to post this, I just figured that you would get it if I sent this through your blog!

Love you and miss you!
PS Watch freedom writers......AWESOME!!!!!
Love J