Thursday, January 25, 2007

ew. i'm really sick.

p.s. Jesus is returning soon. be ready.


lux said...

i pray that God will place His healing hand upon you, and bless you. You are His Child and He loves to give His children good gifts, so i ask that God would heal you 100%.


Karyn Baker said...

For the first - yuck. (Let me know if you need anything.)

For the second - BRING IT ON.
And it IS SOON.

Love to you, sis.

Roro said...

i concurr. i was telling jeremiah gillingham today that Jesus was coming soon and he turned around and gave me the strangest look. i can't explain it but i've never seen a look like that from anybody in my whole life. he's 17 months. it caught me off guard. hopefully i, or you, will not be caught off gaurd when He does come.

don't let the enemy still your joy olivia! praise Him through your sickness!

Rob said...

Hope you're better soon. I'm praying that the Lord tarries...there are many souls that need him still!

You need to read my latest post - Flip the House! Tell others about it...momentum is gaining...