Saturday, January 13, 2007

"Love lifts us up where we belong..."

i'm safe back "home" in Vancouver. what is my home, anyway? New York? surely not. Maine? i don't think so. Vancouver? i don't know. it's easier not to choose, and just to say, "i'm a citizen of Heaven." anyway, i'm back in Vancouver, where i happen to reside right now. hm.

i've been awake now for close to 24 hours. woohoo!!

this exhaustion--combination of jet lag, an early flight, and general silliness-- was not a healthy state in which to watch "Moulin Rouge."
i'd never seen it before, and i'd only heard dodgy things about it, like the fact that it's set in a brothel. but, oh man. it was scintillating. visually creative, musically excellent, and full of passion and depth. i don't think i've ever wept so much over a movie! (except maybe the Passion...but there's really no comparison)

i'm not sure if you're aware, but the faithfulness of the Lord is something that gets me every time. i don't even fully understand it, and i doubt i can put it into words...but it's there. anything to do with covenant, His jealousy, the book of even thinking about it as i type brings tears to my eyes and causes my throat to close up. every song i write is about this same thing-- His faithful love for us.
He never leaves us. we might go out and prostitute ourselves, but He draws us back again, wipes off our makeup, and speaks tenderly to us.

He keeps His covenant of love to us. we broke our covenant with Him. but He doesn't want us to have to experience the punishments that go along with breaking covenant. so He became one of us, and kept our part of the covenant. He kept His part perfectly, and then when we failed, He kept our part perfectly for us. thank You, Jesus.
if you humble yourself, and can see how you have failed your part, and how He has never failed-- you can restore your covenant with Him! reconciliation--yay!
thank You Jesus for Your unfailing love, which covers over a multitude of wrongs. we need You.

(sometimes i tangent like Paul did)
Moulin Rouge meant so much to me because it's all about faithful love. she gives herself to all kinds of men, in order to get what she wants...and he is torn apart by jealousy. he never gives up on her though...sigh...he promises to always love her.

i wept and wept and wept and wept...
my usual weeping buddy, Kirsten, had eyes as dry as...something really dry :o)
and Darren Hailes was no help in the weeping department either.

maybe, next time, i'll watch it after a full nights sleep, with people who understand my ridiculous emotions.
and, maybe, next time, i'll blog when my sentences make sense, and when my eyelids don't feel like marble.



Karyn Baker said...

I liked this blog, Olivia. :) I didn't think it was disjunct at all, and tangents make me feel more comfortable. For obvious reasons (I use them a lot). Perhaps you should stay up for 24 hours and then try blogging again. It works! Glad you're back - see you soon,

Anonymous said...

Glad your travel went well.

We loved seeing you again here in NY!


Jacynta said...

oh man! i wish i was there! I'm not going to lie, we both know I would be of no help with the crying thing, on that I apologise but honestly at your expense well not expense but because of your crying I think I would have had a good time laughing! Reading about it was enough for me! lol :)

I had a revelation while reading your blog, check your email and I will write an email with the details!

Tell my beautiful Van I say hello!

Love Jacynta

KiR said...

You don't have to apologize for your tears. I've been in that boat too many times. I shouldn't say too many...
I love you and your heart :)
Your roomie,

Mhairi said...


had the same thought as I flew "home." I wonder how nomads do not go insane? (I just wondered if I used that word correctly and so I Wikipedia-ed it, you know what was the first thing that popped up? Pastoral Nomads! HAHA! It tickled me!) I love language.

So, to you, ya wee Pastoral Nomad, blessings, to you and all your fields; may they produce a bountiful harvest and the Son forever shine on your back, warming your heart and taking care of any thorns in your side.
