Monday, November 06, 2006

Haven-- far from it

and so...after 4 days of work...i'm exhausted, yet full of quirky anecdotes.

my job right now is in a mens only shelter in the downtown east side, called the Haven. you can imagine that i never have a dull night-- fights breaking out, rigorous discussions about Jesus, being cussed out, confused clients, bathrooms with no doors or even stalls (don't worry, i don't use them), piles and piles of laundry, new friends, and finding bloody catheters in someones sheets. yes, it's true. there seems to be a new incident every evening. a new disgusting something found in someones bed, every evening.

you see, it is part of my job to check to see who didn't show up, and to strip their beds and wash the sheets. fortunately, it is not my job to tell the guys who have been waiting in the rain for 2 hours that there is not enough beds for them all. i leave that to the male half of the team...while i stick to the laundry, snacks, and evangelizing.

i refused to sign the "non-fraternizing" policy, and thus, i get to talk about Jesus as much as i want to! and i do. i basically spend most of my time hanging out and trying to get people's what i do already. it's a lifestyle-- why not get paid for it? (similar philosophy to my inclination towards officership.)

i also scored a free haircut by one curiously flamboyant client, a bag of Tim Horton's doughnuts found in the dumpster (a costly present someone gave to me), plenty of time to work on my book, 16 hours a week surrounded by lava lamps, a few marriage proposals, a lengthy phone conversation with a lady who called the Salvation Army simply because she wanted prayer (joyfully provided!), and my own swivel chair.
this is living.

if the Lord brings it to mind: pray for Jay, Brian, Marc, Aaron, Benjamin, Geoff, and James. These are a few guys whom the Lord is pursuing...i want to be there when He arrests them and they fall madly in love.
come Lord Jesus, come.


Anonymous said...

What a challenging, interesting and promising field of harvest you are in Liv.

Always believing largely for you!

Fullness --


Anonymous said...

Nice job! Sounds so ideal! Go for it, sister!

james said...

hey, im a salvo from aus! Sounds like your really living it! Good on ya and God bless ya heaps for it! Youve convicted me of my lifestyle (im on a 'study' week and not doing anything i have a new renewed want to go out and serve God somehow....

also great to hear about you evangelising to the guys who really really need Jesus! Im praying for some cool transformation for them when they convert!

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome, but also challenging.
May God continue to bless you and provide opportunities to share with people.

Lisa Luxford

Victory of the People said...


i get so fired up when i read you posts!!!!

Alberta Rockstar said...

Olivia!!! i LOVE you! and that sounds like an amazing job! sounds a lil scarey and hard! but amazing! m attracted to the part where you get to talk about Jesus so much and have so much good interaction with people and get paid for it! oh how i would love to have a job right now doing something like that! osunds great! i think its so great that you are so bold and full of so much Jesus! i look up to you so much! keep writeing it gets me thinking and riled up to do more here!

Anonymous said...


Love your "war stories" for many different reasons, but one main reason, is I see in each one a different characteristic of my Jesus!!

Wha What! (some slang, said with true hispafrican-New Yorker-Holy-Spirit fire!) losely translated, you go girl!

Loving it princess warrior, use that sword!! :)
