This photo is a treasure that my father recently showed me--
it is my grandfather preaching at an open air decades ago.
i love the history of the Salvation Army.
but even more, i love what the Lord is beginning to do, and what He is going to do, in the Salvation Army.
previously this week my mom said something which i promptly declared "bloggable."
so here i am, making the bloggable into the blogged:
my mother hears from God, as we all can. what makes her a rare breed is that she listens to, and believes, what He says.
she heard Him say this-- "the Salvation Army is coming into its finest hour."
this is HUGE. colossal. paramount.
i was struck by this simply because the Army has had so many fine hours. and the majority of them were over a century ago. my heart deeply desires to see the Salvation Army return to its roots, and move and serve and grow just like we used to.
i believe what my mother said was indeed from the Lord.
i honor the past, BUT-- i look forward to the new things that the Lord is going to do among us.
He is alive.
He is moving.
He is a warrior.
and He is advancing.
He is not done with the Salvation Army. our great movement is coming into its finest hour.
i have hope, then.
i hope in the Lord. and i hope in an uprising (i'm not trying to promote anything by saying that!)that is about to begin. i'm in.
p.s. here is a photo of me found on the Urbana website.
clearly i was oblivious to the picture being taken.
this was the communion service on New Year's Eve-- i chose to abstain from the blessing of communion, because i'm still not sure of my view on the whole matter. but that didn't stop me from meditating on the suffering and sacrifice of Christ.
Would I be correct to assume the man in the high-neck is not the famous 'Mad Munn'? In any case, you have quite the family legacy!
Is that a better pseudonym?
nope, not correct. Mad Munn was the grandfather of Ray Munn(the man pictured here)... my great great grandfather.
i forget what R stands for...
The Roommate (aka PRR)
miss you so much :D
okay so considering what the blog is about and all this seems like a fairly shallow comment but I can't leave it. Is there any chance that the blue scarf thing that you are wearing belongs to Kir? I want to know just for the simple fact of knowing if I could pic that or not. make sense?
Anyway, I love you! And may our finest hour shine! lord Uplift the humble and bring the proud to their knees!
Of the increase of His government and shalom there will be no end...
wow.....The Salvation Army...coming into its finest hour....powerful stuff.....just today I read on their Prophetic Directives for '07....
Together, to me, these confirm what your mom heard (she's awesome, by the way! :)).....
Here's what each of these says to me (specifically about TSA) about what your mom heard:
(prophetic directive in bold, my comment in plain text)
1. A year of success and fruitfulness - this one seems obvious to me - success and fruitfulness in our finest hour :-)
2. Change, Change, Change - There is already a shift or change occuring within the Army as evidenced by the Primitive/Progressive/Neo-Salvationist movements
3. A year of covenant blessing - We are a covenant Army...God has promised to bless and He will bless
4. Earth shaking catastrophes - this when we shine - our finest moments it seems happen in the darkest moments of society, as witnessed by the Katrina disaster, the tsunamis, etc.
5. Walking on Water - Supernatural stuff.....Cory actually spoke into this at ACC back in October....Healings, etc. are coming back to the Army....I've actually had the privilege of being present a couple times when these types of things have happened.
6. Bible Faith will be challenged - We need to study up so we can be ready "in season and out of season"
7. God’s Media Army is emerging - this one especially speaks to my heart.....I really believe that God is calling us into utilizing and excelling in using technology/media/etc. to spread the Gospel..
The original directives are at if you want to read them in their original context)
Hopefully what I've written makes sense......
Keep writing!!!! Can't wait till the book comes out!!!!!
Olivia - you look good in high collar! Blessings of grace and depth for 2007. Just heard about the book... ask Kirsten to send a copy to Zimbabwe! Rochelle
Thanks for the package Olivia, it was unexpected.
Amen!!! i have a heart like u also that we as army of the lord would take back our roots! but i really believe that the lord has a fresh and amazing new wind comming to the army i see god really moving in amazing ways! blessings my sister in christ.
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