Wednesday, March 05, 2014

For Alison's Sake

As the sun set on Monday, freezing and orange, I was thankful that the day was nearly done, for Alison's sake. Some days need to end quickly, and as the sun sets a sense of relief arises.

The Monday sun really couldn't set fast enough for Alison's sake.

We were driving from Manhattan to Camden, NJ, my birthplace. "Can anything good come from Camden?" From the best city on earth to perhaps the worst.

The sun was setting on her Manhattan season. Tomorrow the sun would shine on her again, but in Camden. Good things are happening there, against all common sense.

I met Alison on my first Sunday as assistant pastor on 14th st. She was asleep on the front row with a Target bag full of empty beer cans.

Man, she's seen a lot of sunsets.
I've seen a lot of sunsets with her.
Sleeping on the steps of the church, detoxing on the couch, Bible studies, deaths, jobs, tutoring children, boyfriends, girlfriends.  Some days that she would yearn to end quickly, and other days when we wish we could hold the sun on the horizon and not let it drop.

But Monday's sun lingered a little too long. For Alison's sake I literally prayed along I-78 that the sky would turn dark and the day be done.

She made it though! Many tears scattered from 7th avenue, through the Holland Tunnel, and all the way down the NJ coast. She was leaving behind many familiar things.

I knew the house from a block away. Large, lit up, rocking chairs on the porch. Got close enough to read the house number and a tiny, tasteful Salvation Army shield stood next to #2804.

A motherly figure emerged, along with two golden dogs, and embraced Alison. Now we could smell the homemade lasagna and the multiple Yankee candles.

I could almost see the junk of Manhattan fall off Alison. Even though it was late now, a new sun was already beginning to dawn for her.

Her room was so thoughtfully set up - bed made, chocolates on her pillow, shampoos on the dresser, a stack of books nearby, and a big sign that said "HOME".

Good morning, Alison!


Jessica Hosey said...

Lord Bless Alison and keep her close to you forever and ever!!!!

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful story of how we can enter people's reality, completely saturate them in prayer, and offer real help that can dramatically change lives for the better.

What did I do yesterday? I helped change a life for Jesus' sake.

JustSue said...

Home is where our story begins...and Jesus is truly at the heart of it. No matter how far we have wandered, how fragmented our lives...he is there welcoming us with the light on...